Registan Square.
Registan Square, located west of the Ark Citadel. In the old days, there was a large lowland with a lake in front of Ark. At the bottom of which a people gathered who began to carry sand and fill the lowlands, destroying the lake and forming a square, hence the name of the Registan square (“reg” – sand). On this square, there used to be office buildings, palaces, mosques and shopping arcades. It also housed mainly traders in food products and prepared food products. There were rows of bakers (nonvoy). There were especially many butcher shops on the Registan – their number was approaching two hundred. The Registan was adjacent to the bazaar where rams were sold, this is indicated by the name of the madrasah, which was located northeast of the Ark – Madrasayi Bozori Gusfand (“Madrasah on the ram’s bazaar”), built in the second half of the 17th century under the Abdulaliz Khan from the Ashtarhanid dynasty. The Dorul al-Shifo hospital, built by Subkhankuli-khan from the Ashtarkhanid dynasty, was also located on the territory of the square, where patients could receive medications (dori) and dietary food for treatment. The building of the hospital resembled a madrassah, (educational institution). Doctors also studied here. There were also wards for bed patients, an outpatient clinic and a pharmacy. At the entrance to the Registan from the XVI century. there were Rastai Toki Tirgaron shopping malls where gunsmiths’ products were sold. In the center of the square were Toki Ord Furushon shopping malls, where there were malls selling hats and cotton. There was also a trade in grain, haberdashery, tea, paper and ink, cradles for newborns, cattle, watermelons, melons, wooden utensils and other goods. #II.


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#II 39.777515, 64.409403 39°46\'39.1 64°24\'33.9